Jennifer Wood Laird

Waking each day for the story.

Jennifer Wood Laird is a is a children’s book writer, literacy coach, and mom.

BENtime Stories and ABBYsolutely MAGGIEnificent Tales

The Yellow Brick House of Books

#50Precious Words March 2024 By: Jennifer Wood Laird My fingers follow the grooves of the yellow bricks.  The doors open, always welcoming.  Lights flash me a wink.  Books shimmy for showtime. “Choose me!” But, Marion, the librarian, grins and displays the magic. It’s here! The sequel! I’m spellbound! My heart dances in The Yellow Brick House of Books. 

The Best Advice I Ever Received

A friend of mine is collecting advice for her newspaper column. I thought I share one piece of advice I use every day. Do the Reading The irony here is comical because I literally spend my days promoting best practices in reading and creating systems for kids to achieve in reading. All day long! Like all advice, one really doesn’t…

16 Candles May Burn Down the House

There will be 16 candles on the cake I prepare this weekend for my first born. He is the one who made me a Mama, and the emotional connection I share with him is unlike any other. He is smart, handsome, and witty. He’s athletic, sarcastic, and sensitive. He plays the big brother role and without hesitation (or thinking) can…

“Hurried People Miss Many Things”

I try to read a novel a week and there is always one line where I feel instant and total connection. The line jumps off the page, and I’ll read it a dozen times, write it down, or take a photo of it. It will linger in my mind and acts like a mentor guiding me to be a better…

The Giver

Today, I’m putting aside my writing to focus on the words written by other Slicer’s. I love reading and learning from the experiences of others. It energizes me and motivates me to write!

Pace Yourself, Mags!

If you walked in my house at 7:04 this morning, you would have witnessed an array of emotions and meltdowns. My 4th grader, who has been battling a cold during state testing this week, was on the floor of my bathroom crying. She was dreading the pacer test and finding all other reasons not to go to school today. Here’s…

My First Memory

I am in a swimming pool with my older sisters and dad. Sara and Amy are in matching swimsuits, one blue and one red, because everything was matching for the duo who just missed being Irish twins by one month. We are all smiling at Dad’s silly antics in the pool: splashing, throwing and handstands. My mother is near us…

Snow Much Drama

Why do things get less exciting as we get older? I wish I could bottle childhood enthusiasm for birthdays and Christmas morning; the euphoric giddiness could probably be illustrated with naked, little elves water sliding down a pool of espresso! It’s just so much glee! Educators experience this glee on the last day of school. It’s the most wonderful time…

Micro Moves/Micro Shifts

Change is inevitable in all facets of our lives. We change our hairstyle, our eating habits, our routines, our friends, and even our needs versus wants with NO explanation. I make changes every day which result in me doing something different because something in my life isn’t working. So tell me, why do educators need to wait until a new…

50 Precious Words

In my journey to become a published picture book author, I’m submitting my writing for critique. It’s a frightening concept; rejection is hard. The most recent challenge was to write a story for kids using 50 words. You have to be very selective. I received Honorable Mention accolades! Try it!

What My Dog Really Thinks of Me…

Today, I had an argument with my son. While I overplayed something, my teenager underplayed it, sending me into a downward spiral and ugly rant. It was over something stupid; but nevertheless, I raised my voice and concerns. And after the dust settled, and we had kissed and made up, my dog looked at me funny. I had an auspicious…

There’s Good in Goodbyes

Driving home from an all day volleyball tournament had me driving and drifting (my mind-not my car!). Six hours of whistles and cheering left my daughters asleep and me enjoying the music and my thoughts. The lyrics to Taylor Swift’s new song, All of the Girls You Loved Before had a line where I ended up processing and reminiscing for…

A Letter Before Baby: Deliver Before Delivery

Dear Rochelle, The irony of my letter is you won’t really know when your last supper will take place prior to your delivery. For this reason, (and a million others like the art of growing an actual human, to the thought of dilating to 10cm, and can we talk about the freakin placenta!) makes childbirth truly amazing. So, as you…

Let Your Worries Go with a Worry Stone

When I was between the ages of 10 and 12, my dad pulled me into his office and handed me a worry stone. He showed me how to rub my thumbprint back and forth and suggested I rub my worries away. At the time, our family was struggling to navigate split households, broken hearts, and a never-ending ping pong match…

Cheers, Tears, and Fears for our (Tier) Students

I am the RtI Coordinator in my district which services 2000 students. Today, we had reading data meetings for our intermediate (3rd-5th) level students. After a three year plan and literacy audit, our 90% Reading Goal has been successful in grades K-5. All our students are growing as readers! We have built such a solid RtI program over the last…

African Elephant or A Fricken Elephant!

If you’re reading this, you’re most likely an educator. And, you most likely chose the world of education because you enjoy kids and the unpredictable things they say. I’ve been meaning to script this story since it happened two years ago. It’s entertaining and reminds me why I love being a mom and a teacher. My eight-year-old daughter was reading…

Good Grief! Why I Bought a Funeral Dress During the Pandemic

Another Slicer’s recent post on funerals sparked this memory. Thanks for the inspiration, Glenda! Weird fact…my sister and I bought funeral dresses during the pandemic. It wasn’t because I was scared of dying per say; rather, I felt like the pandemic taught me how to live. For the first time in my life, I felt raw and real and comfortable…

The Allure of Being Pulled in Opposite Directions

It’s Sunday. I’m on my last day of our beach vacation. I wake and do a body scan-nothing hurts. Then, I do a mind scan-no worries. I have nothing pressing my mind, nothing aching or pulling me in any direction. It’s going to be a lovely day; I will use every minute to its fullest. I manage to sneak out…

How Sweet Is Your Soul?

Vacation is a time to release yourself from your daily world leaving your job and stressful self at home. Each year, I find myself leaving behind my educator daily duties, yet packing the educator. I just can’t leave her behind; she’s an innate part of me. And, with my super hero teacher powers, I can peg another educator instantly by…

Here’s a Tip-Hire Captain Cristian.

How many dolphins are there in the world? Have you ever seen any alligators? Have you ever caught a shark? Are you the only captain? These were just a sampling of the more than one hundred questions asked by our ten-year-old on our chartered boat/fishing expedition today. Poor Captain Cristian! When we first heard Captain Cristian, we pegged him for…

Would You Go Back to High School in a Heartbeat?

The beach will have to wait this morning while we wait for the clock to tick 9:45, so my son can register for his Junior year of high school. His biggest decision this morning will be whether to take AP Chemistry or Honors Chemistry next year while postponing the other until Senior year. Really? This is high school at the…

Florida Jen-Do You Have a Vacation Name?

Vacation is upon us and my husband is wondering if Florida Jen will be making an appearance this week. Frankly, I think it’s the only reason he booked the trip; his fingers crossed he will get a glimpse of the rowdy and rambunctious woman he loves. Last year, I earned the nickname after a very spontaneous weekend getaway to Florida…

Dear Daughter A: Words Before Womanhood Begins

Dear Daughter A, I know you are anxiously awaiting the leap into womanhood. Everywhere you go, you are preparing for this noteworthy moment. Before you begin, I have some words of advice I’m hoping you’ll consider. It’s perfectly acceptable to keep your young self around for advice and enlightenment. You know her best, and she will be needed to remind…

Give My Husband Some Love, Please!

Also known as my fourth child, my tall and funny husband is in need of some love and attention, please. Regarded by some as the “coolest guy in pharmacy,” the man works his tail off to provide for our family, attend all kid-related activities and coach several of their sports. So, you would think he would get more love and…

#50 Precious Words

Today, I’m sharing my entry for Vivian Kirkfield’s #50PreciousWords (Twitter) Writing Contest. The rules are simple: write a story for kids (12 and under) in 50 or less words. This writing contest is an exercise in choice; the writer must be scrupulous in word choice. Each word counts and makes a difference in syntax and semantics and the expresses the…

Write Your Own Obituary. Do or Die!

Recently, in our town’s visitor guide, there was a piece written by Wall Street Journal author, James R. Hagerty, who wrote a book featuring a collection of obituaries called Yours Truly: An Obituary Writer’s Guide to Telling Your Story. The book was also a call to write your own obituary. His challenge was two fold: buy his book and then…

10 Things I’ve Been Meaning to Say

If you haven’t read Jason Reynold’s article 10 Things I’ve Been Meaning to Say, it’s advice to young people. Per the suggestion of educator /writer, Kelly Gallagher, I used the article as a mentor text in an English 9 classroom. The purpose was to persuade my students to write daily (10 minutes/1 page a day). Their writing objective was to…

My Pandemic Flannel

Oddly enough, the last time I participated in SOL was in March 2020, so my first post will be written in my “pandemic flannel.” Over the years, I find myself reaching for in it times of need, and Monday was one the those days. Winter’s devils, Snow and Ice, arrived again early Monday and shut down our schools and held…

Make Your Mark

It’s innate in my personality; I was born this way. For decades, I have been trying to ease the burdens my friends and family possess by sharing my time, my advice, and sometimes taking on their heavy lifting. I love creating unexpected surprises and smiles. Day after day, I continue to see this trait of mine bestowed in my kids;…

The Nest

I saw her this morning and froze with excitement. She wasn’t resting but scoping her surroundings and precipitously moving her head from left to right. Her puffed out chest summoned the time was near. I’m already on to her decision. After all these years, she will settled for the ledge on the back deck where the garage roof slightly hangs…

Stealing Kisses

I wrote this years ago when my babies were babies… When the moon shines high through the big bay window, I climb into your bed and move a pillow.  Your arms are stretched high above your head with warm rosy cheeks you sigh in your bed.  I see you lying perfectly still after your day of nonstop energy and thrill.…

When the Sun Shines

When the sun shines, Hope bursts out the front door with glee. When the sun shines, Happiness returns from hibernation and greets others from a distance. When the sun shines, Stress slides off the backs of the overburdened and overdressed. When the sun shines, Anticipation joins the party to linger. When the sun shines, Giddiness stares at the possibilities of…

Equity and Equality

As educators, we’ve all seen the picture with the family watching the baseball game behind the fence and standing on crates high enough where everyone can see. Equality is giving everyone the same thing and promoting fairness while equity is giving everyone what they need in order to be successful. Last year, I used this same photo to explain to…

It’s Not a Generational Thing

The boredom has set in; the honeymoon may very well be over. Today, marks one week of no school (and Day 13 of our family’s quarantine). Each week, there seems to be a new norm we all have to find the courage to adapt to and this week, our Governor of Wisconsin has suspended all sleepovers and play dates. I…

The Big Blue Truck

This morning, my husband and I found real purpose to wake before the sun since it’s garbage day. He rolled out of bed and then rolled the blue blue garbage bin in the dark, to its home, at the end of the driveway awaiting pick up from the Big Blue Truck. Even though there have been no signs of our…

Wide Open Spaces

Breathing the fresh, spring air with no one around to share or cross contaminate. Friendly neighbors spaced out by 5 acres offer a wave from afar. Walking the gravel road in silence and peace to witness the nightly sunset. Recreating a good ole fashioned Wisconsin fish fry from fish caught this week on an empty, deserted lake. Cross country skiing…

It’s a Gamble

Today, the news reported Kenny Rogers passed away. It’s strange how one name can spark such a memory like wildfire. A memory I haven’t thought about in years, but helps track and define who I am today. I was brought back to one classroom, in my hometown in middle school where I felt my best self! When I was in…

No Bored Games

Games! Games! Games! Jeopardy weekdays at 4:00 for the entire family. Solitare during math games for my first grader. Today, as part of his independent learning time (that’s code for “I’m tired and you can study what you want!”), my son made a Kahoot game using NBA facts he’s stored in his brain over the last year. My husband has…


After 9/11, I wrote for weeks in my journal about the uncertainty our nation was feeling, what I was feeling. In the last 19 years, I have gone back to those journals several times and relived the angst, the fear, but also the connectedness of the American people. Today, I tweaked my son’s writing homework which was based on the…

Time is a Gift

We all know we are in unprecedented waters and uncharted territory. We’re rewriting history day by day. Our lives are changed as we know it, and we will forever refer to our lives pre-CO-VID19 and post CO-VID19. My kids and I decided to FaceTime each of the grandparents tonight to check in on them. This is the generation we’ve been…

Troll Hole

Once upon a time there lived a troll who owned a hole. The poor troll’s hole was a small section of the driveway and looked like charcoal. Three little kids continually rode their bikes and scooters through the hole with no control. This forced the troll to man the hole like she was on patrol. Every so often while out…

The Essential Five

My soon-to-be teenager feels our family needs to eat everything out of our pantry before we decide to stock up. What a brilliant idea! He also suggested when it’s time to go to the grocery store, everyone should get one item on the list for a total of five items! As we begin Day “Five” of our quarantine, here is…

In This Moment

The sun is shining in this moment. The snow is melting in this moment. The temperature is rising in this moment. Springtime is off in the distance waiting to make an appearance in this moment. My boys are ice fishing with Grandpa in this moment. My girls are upstairs playing ukulele and singing in this moment. The sun is still…

Cessation for Staycation

With less then three hours left in my day, my relaxed self sat on the couch reading in peace. I almost forgot to write! It was confirmed again today how my mood continues to have the power to dictate the household’s mood. I know there are days when the four of my peeps look at me with uneasiness as they…

I’m Gonna Homeschool the Heck Outta You!

With the announcement of our state closing school for a month, my kids cheered and smiled but with some panic. I had my usual angst (and this time with much more heightened apprehension) knowing a snow day with small children is only euphoric for the first few hours. With a one month lapse in school, I told my kids I…

A Mother’s Love May Help

Parenthood is an ever changing obstacle course of firsts for them and firsts for me. It appears my children always look to me as if I will have all the answers; this is both frightening and empowering depending on the situation. In past years, I’ve mastered healing scraped knees, midnight feedings, and sending my loves to kindergarten. Today, I am…

Particular Personalities

We think we know ourselves until someone makes a statement or an observation about us, and we are offended. We perceive ourselves in a particular way, hoping others do too. In the past, I may have been offended when someone pointed out a characteristic about me (which may not have been my favorite) in general conversation. Now I realize (and…

“I See Moon, Mama!”

In honor of the super moon and the boy who made me a Mama… The moon is shining high through the big, bay window. We are sitting next to each other, your little, bare feet hanging straight over the couch. Your winter chapped cheeks are rosy and always scream for a kiss. Your wispy hair is everywhere with no solution…

Grub Plans

Feeding my own crew is very similar to meeting the needs of a variety of learners in the classroom (which I’ve been doing for 21 years). I can differentiate the heck outta any meal thanks to the proficient verbal skills of my children. Teachers know it’s simply easier to be at school than to write sub plans due to both…

An Unforeseeable Victory

I didn’t plan for it to happen. It was an impromptu moment. Perhaps it was kismet. Last night, I suggested something to my preteen son and little did I know the 20 minutes to follow boosted my mothering career and probably had the power to eradicate at least twenty of my bad mothering moments. Being my son was born in…

We’re on the no plan plan…

A full Saturday with nothing on the calendar can be compared to the elation a teacher feels when the phone rings to signify the cancellation of school! It doesn’t happen very often, but when it does, I can instantly let go of obligations and stress and find myself able to engage in the best conversations and moments with my kids.…

Time For the “Seasonal Size Up”

There are so many wonderful reasons to live in a climate where four very different seasons are presented to you like a highly anticipated gift. Spring is in the air, but this time of year seems to bring more disappointment than any other season. For the most part, this week has been calm, sunny, and mildly warm in Northwestern Wisconsin…

That first sip.

Almost thirteen years into parenthood, I can fully accept most quiet moments will be loudly interrupted, most tantrums happen unexpectedly, and while I’m in full control of my trio, I have no control over my day’s adventures. I have fully accepted this. From the moment those three set of feet hit the ground, I plan to be armed and loaded…

Mama Down!

On the first day of March, my cold came in like a lamb with a scratchy, sore throat (but Abby did the laundry.). On the second day of March, my cold was a reality because my nose started dripping like freshly tapped maple trees (but Maggie took my temperature…about 800 times). On the third day of March, my cold was…